Mon - Wed - Fri, Bonus Saturdays!* Feel the Powa!

About TwitchGenius In the form of a FAQ

Q. So how exactly do you come out with a hilarious, quality webcomic three or four times a week?
A. I'll tell you that when I actually start doing it.

Q. Whats with the comic's name? It makes no sense.
A. Of course it doesn't. Thats part of the point. Its a philosophical title of sorts and a reflection of each of the characters. Each of the characters is a genius in some sort, but they also are extremely weird and stupid about things. The name reflects the fact that even though we're all geniuses, we're all also messed up.

Q. Really?
A. No. I just made up that last answer on the spot to sound deep. The name TwitchGenius actually stems from a long time ago when I was looking for a name for another site, and TG just randomly popped into my head. The site never got started in the end (mostly due to my laziness) and so TG was finally reincarnated as the title to this comic.

Q. So how did TG get started in the first place?
A. A long time ago, a group of people (including myself) decided that Crys wasn't actually a human being, but was really a cartoon character. So one year for Crys' birthday, I drew her as a cartoon. Then I drew her in a cartoon strip. Then I just sort of continued drawing cartoon strips after that and haven't stopped.

Q. Why isn't the character in the comic that is you, using your name?
A. Remember back in the day when you were younger and weren't supposed to use your real name on the internet because some crazy person would find out who you were, stalk you, kidnap you, and kill you? Yeah, you remember those days. Some five odd years ago, I was signing up for this one place, (CT to be exact) and had to come up with a nickname on the spot. Hence the name "Auren". It was completely random and off the top of my head. (interestingly enough, I later found out its the name of one character off of one of the cartoon starwars tv series). Anyways, after a while, I began to use my real name (which I loathe), or the nickname "pegspirate" (I don't loathe pirates). I still go by Auren at times, many people still refer to me as Auren, but all in all, the name is less used. Therefore, as a tribute to it, I decided to call the character based off of me in the comic strip "Auren"

Q. Can I be in your comic?
A. No.

Q. Pleeeeeease?
A. First of all, there is a long waiting list of people who I've already promised this too, and some have been waiting since the comic started. You are not a priority. Secondly, I only insert characters when I feel they can be strongly built upon and interact with the current cast at a good Level (ie. They have their own unique personality and quirks that are recognizable beyond just an inside joke) . Thirdly, only when there is oppourtunity to do so naturally instead of just a "Hey, this is a new character comic strip," will a new character be introduced. That means that New characters will not be lumped together, that there will be a general plot and so on. Fourthly, if you want to be in the comic you have to realize that I hold nothing about you or your personality and life sacred. You will be mocked, humiliated and all your annoying personality traits which other people are too polite to point out will become a center point of any comic surrounding you. You may say you can handle it, but most people really can't. So either be able to suck it up and never whine to me about it or don't ask to be a character.

Q. So Can I be in your comic?
A. No.

Q. You are the coolest person I have ever met, and your genius mind amazes me. Tell me more about yourself and also tell me how can I talk to you to further so that I may bask in your sheer glory and be your loyal minion forever?
A. More about me? Well, theres nothing Interesting about me. I'm currently in 4th Year at St. Jerome's University, affiliated with the University of Waterloo. Majoring in Honours Political science (emphasis on Critical Security studies, foreign policy, world politics, human rights and developing countries). I have a cat named Howard who knows how to flush the toilet. I also like couscous, which is the best type of grainage ever. Really. I like to sing really loudly, and bright lights and shiney things amuse me. I also play a mean Ode to Joy on the guitar, which is pretty much the only thing I can play on the guitar (besides twinkle twinkle little star). I would love nothing better than to escape the small, redneck hicktown I grew up in. Bob actually is my uncle, or at least one of them. Ted, Tom, Peter, Dick, Blackie, Harv, Don, Gerry are just a few of my other uncles. I voted in the last election. Spring is my favourite season. I can't stand girly girl movies or books. I mock people who like girly girl movies and books. I mock most things. Especially fate. I know kung fu and can kick your ass. Okay, I really don't.

You can reach me by email(, or through msn messenger with the same addy. I also can be reached once and a while through Aol Instant Messenger (thepegspirate), or ICQ (171313189). Just keep in mind, that if it looks like spam, I won't respond.

Q. Aren't you worried that some of the people who you've based some of the "worse" characters off of will read the comic?
A. No. To my knowledge, they already have. Do I care if their tender "feelings" are hurt? no.

Q. What is the purpose of life?
A. The purpose of life is to search for the purpose of life.

Twitchgenius is the creation of the PegsPirate See this ©? That makes it mine! So don’t steal anything. Stealing makes Baby Jesus Cry.
TwitchGenius is hosted on comicgenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.