Mon - Wed - Fri, Bonus Saturdays!* Feel the Powa!

The Cast
First Appearance: August 11th, 2003

Auren, also known as as the alter ego for the comic writer. An overachieving university student majoring in Political Science, she's always ready to go off on rants about anything and everything, especially politics. Although she has a slight violent side to her, she only uses her powers for good, such as defending friends, Firefly and justice.

Known For: Running around dressed as an angel, Random obsessions with random things, Her Winning Personality!! HAHAHA!

First Appearance: August 11th, 2003

Crys is the ego to Auren's Id. Or she would be if she were any saner than Auren herself. Crys holds the title of "The Best Damn Janitor in the World," cleaning up after your shit while saving up to go to college. Or something. Or maybe thats what she'd like you to believe.

Alias: Crys Bandit, Cricket
Known For: Being easily excited by the stupidest things, her mad stylin' pants

Spiff Elwood Spishack
First Appearance: September 7th,2003

Spiff was a mega hollywood star and had everything from the leading roles, to endorsement deals, to the world. But it wasn't enough. Disillusioned with the shallow entertainment industry he ran away to Canada where he met Auren and Crys. Currently, he is trying to sort his life out and pursue his real dreams, including working in indie movies, and becoming a director someday.

Known For: Good cologne, good hair, good products, publicity shots, stealing Forehead girlfriends, getting naked for any reason.

First Appearance: August 12th, 2003

Ariana is the sweet and innocent person that everyone of us used to be before the world beat us over the head with reality, making her a breathe of fresh air to the cynical and jaded such as Auren and Crys. She believes the best of people and the world, often leading her into bad situations. Her good nature, naivitie, meekness and humility often leads to people to push her around and taking her kindness for granted. Despite this, don't assume she's stupid and willing to put up with everything. She is a creative genius, pursuing a degree in English and Fine Arts, and when push comes to shove, if pushed far enough she will push back. And if she doesn't, Auren will for her. With a baseball bat.

Known For: Being extremely forgetful and scatterbrained, high level of cuteness, playing the bongoes in her own special way, making up her own words.

First Appearance: October 19th,2003

Joe's whole life is a bit of a mystery, living his life in the "unabomber style" shack in the backyard of his parent's house. While he does hold a degree in Aquacultuure, his whole life revolves around a paranoid obsession with uncovering conspiracies of all types, for what he claims to be the "survival of everyone."

Alias: Joe is his alias. No one knows his real first name.
Known For: Strange, but undeniable knowledge in obscure things such as caring for Tribbles. Paranoid delusions and weird measures taken for avoiding "the man".

First Appearance: October 19th,2003

Jellybean, a tribble, one day followed Crys home from somewhere, and apart from dying and coming back to life once already, is generally inseperable from her.

Alias:The Tribble.
Known For: Wit, Mad Singing Skill-uhz, Battling through hell and back, small vocabulary.

First Appearance: May 19th, 2004

Akin to Joe in geekness only in a more stereotypical "geek" way, Mark is an advisor to Crys and Auren in times of trouble. Will work against death and destruction, unless his momma is insulted. His computer innards glow, and that is amusing.

Known For: Almost slightly illegal love of Starwars, Mad Alien Diplomat Skill-uhz.

First Appearance: August 20th, 2004

Owner, Proprietor and Boss of Pettigrew Books, a local independent bookstore, In what most likely could be labelled as the biggest lapse of judgement in his life, he hired Auren as a part time employee. He has lived to regret it ever since. Sure the solution would be to fire Auren, but really ... think of the lost oppourtunities for plotlines!

Known For: Being the sanest and most rational member out of the whole cast.

First Appearance: November 1st,2003

Lets assume you know most of the stuff about Jesus and talk about the important stuff. After dying for your horrible horrible sins (because you're an asshole), Jesus now randomly wanders around the world bringing comfort to the afflicted, afflicting the comforted and playing a mean game of squash. Sadly, the Big J is often brought down by the many nuts out there messing up his message of love and compassion into other loads of shit for their own purpose.

Alias: The Big J, Son of God, Christ, The Messiah,
Known For: Running over tribbles, beating up Santa, sanctioning Auren's Smitings.

First Appearance: July 7th, 2004

Bound to Crys and Jellybean as per the ruling of the Afterlife Sentencing Court, Death hangs around doing ... his thing. Technically, his sentencing time has actually been up for a few months, yet he's ... still around.

Alias:The Grim Reaper
Known For: Having self Image Problems, Having a crush on Spiff do to his fame.

First Appearance: November 14th,2003

Known For: Making fun of people, letting Peter follow her around so she can have someone to permanently boss around and yell at.

First Appearance: November 14th,2003

Known For: Not having any balls, Following Nicole around.

First Appearance: August 8th,2003

Known For: The whining. The incessent whining.

First Appearance: August 22nd,2003

Known For: Getting Drunk on any occassion, no reason needed.

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